Personal Chef

Friday, August 17, 2012

Pastries Final

Well, my last day of culinary school, before externship, was yesterday - the class: Pastries and Desserts. I did make some pretty awesome dishes:

Homemade vanilla bean ice cream with soft chocolate ganache sauce, blackberries and strawberries served on the same plate as Bavarian creams with home made lady fingers and chocolate garnish plated 3 times.

The next plate was filled with 8 equal sized Frangipanne petit fours, each spread with a thin layer of raspberry marmalade and coated in creamy powdered sugar glaze, topped with matching tempered chocolate garnishes.

The last plate was an assortment of chocolate truffles: 4 rolled in cocoa powder and 4 rolled in tempered chocolate - to which Chef told me they were a little to big... but really? they were exactly the size I would want my chocolate truffles to be - whole mouth sized!

Even though this blog post marked the end of my culinary school core classes, I do plan to continue to post some memorable moments (and photos) of past culinary school courses as well as brand new posts regarding my externship as a chef supervisor in a university cafe! All posts will have at least a picture - because what fun are blog posts without them!?

Lastly, for more detailed info on any of my recipes, learnings from culinary school, favorite restaurants, and even more pictures of food, visit my website (which I design and maintain myself) at